How To Take It

Each capsule contains 500mg of premium powdered inner bark and heartwood from the Pau D' Arco Tree. 

To take full advantage of the strength and vigor from Aldrtz Pau D' Arco, we recommend the following regimen:

For Overall Body Conditioning and Maintenance and for Energy
Take one (1) capsule once a day.

For Help With Conditions and to Build Resistance and Recovery
Take one (1) capsule two(2) or three(3) times a day. 

Please take the following precautions to insure the full safety and potential of Aldrtz Pau D' Arco. 

Anti-Clotting Meds and Supplements
Pau D' Arco improves the fluidity of blood and prevents blood clots.  Please do not take the product with aspirin, warfarin, heparin, ticlopidine, or other anti-clotting medication or blood thinners.  Please do not take it with other natural supplements containing ginseng, ginko biloba, garlic, or those with similar aspirin-like effects.

Always consult a physician regarding your medical condition or current medication and the product before enjoying the benefits of Aldrtz Pau D' Arco.